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Gruhapravesh Vastushanti Vastushanti Gruhapravesh Muhurt Vidhi. Dates in August 2024 :

Writer: Vedmata Gayatri J & D Kendra Vedmata Gayatri J & D Kendra

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

Vastushanti Gruhapravesh Muhurt Vidhi. Dates in August 2024 :

What is 'Vastushanti'?  What are the parts and appendages of Vaastu Shanti?What does Dharma Shastra Say? How should Gruhapravesh be performed?

The ritual of 'Vastushanti' is endowed with various limbs.  Among them, the rituals leading up to Punahachana are among the primary aspects of Vaastu Shanti.  Accordingly, Yajmana should first perform Nutanayagyopavitdharana, Panchagavyamelan and Panchagavyaprashan.  After doing Achaman, Pranayama, Deshkalandirik, Vastushantisankalpa, Ganapati Pujan etc., one should start Punya Vachana.  Rituals like Varun Pujan, Matrikapujan, Nandishraddha etc are included in Punyahwachana.  Acharyavarana (appointment of a priest) should be done after Punyavachana.

 Purohit after Acharyavarana;  Vastupithmandani, drawing, agniutaran and pranapratistha of vastu pratima, installation of deity-planet-fire, worship and worship etc.  Then the Homa begins.  In it, the first offering (varahuti) is to be offered to Ganapati.  This should be done by the host.  After that, sacrifices are made to the gods and priests of the navagrahas.  According to the pronunciation in Anvadha, Navagraha,

 At least one hundred and eight offerings of Kalpoktadravya should be made to the Vaastu deity after the homa of Pratyadhidevata, Kratusadgunyadevata, Ritusanrakshakdevata, Sikhyaddevata (45) of the Navagrahas.  However, if the vastu is very extensive, it is always better to offer a larger number of vastu offerings.  After making offerings to Vastu by the number of people, five offerings of betel nut or betel leaves should be made to the Vastu deity.  Finally, offerings should be made to Charakya Deity (8) and Indra Deity (8). After completing the homa in this way, one should perform swishthakrita and prayashchittahom.  On Vaastu Shanti Divas, because of Grahamakh, planetary sacrifice is also to be done.  Accordingly, sacrifices should be made for Grahadevata-Vastoshpati-Kshetrapaladidevata.  For the sacrifice, rice should be sacrificed in a shiptar (bamboo basket) and various black substances should be added to it and the sacrifice should be waved from all the family members including the host and placed on the thitha.  After that, the ritual of main Havan is completed after Purnahuti.

Then vibhutidharana, fire prayer, established deity-Uttarpujan, water abhishek from urns on the host, Acharyadakshina should be offered.  After that the fire should be closed and other works should be done till the reception of blessings.  Thus the main ritual of Vaastu Shanti is completed.  After that 'Dharapujan' is performed.  At that time, the host wife should worship Dhara Devi (earth) at Vastu Nikshepasti.  'Vastunikshep' is done by making a pit (pit) in the place of worship.

 Vastu Nikshep is an important adjunct of Vaastu Shanti.  It is a scripture that the pit made for Vastu Niksha should be knee deep.  But as it is now inconvenient to do so, at least a small box (3 inches long x 2 || inches wide x 2 inches deep) should be dug out and Vastu Niksha should be made at that place and the place should be properly covered.  Audumbara wood box is used to keep Vastu Pratima.  Manshili (a kind of insecticidal chemical) powder is scattered around this box.

 - Also many things related to water are kept at that place.  Algae in it


and sea sand are included.  'Algae', the first plant on earth, evolved from it and created the flora.  Algae


As soon as favorable conditions are obtained, it blooms anew.  Pancharatna and Panchadhatu are also kept along with Vastu Pratima.  Gems and metals are born from the womb of the earth.  Therefore, gems and metals in a sense represent the earth itself.  Ready-made sets of the desired five gemstones are available at Sarafkatta, among gems such as ruby, pearl, coral, emerald, topaz, diamond, sapphire, garlic etc.  Also, pieces of metals such as silver, brass, bronze, copper, iron or a combination of all these can be found.  After Vaastu Niksha, Ambil and Vijana (soaked gram) are kept at that place.  All these items are fogging.  After Vaastu installation, the place should be kept clean.  Care should be taken that no human being moves or any other prohibited items are kept there.

Toranbandhan is another appendage in Vaastu Shanti.  At the time of any religious function, building a toran of amr tree leaves at the main door is auspicious and a sign of auspiciousness.  Different regions have different customs regarding toran.  In some regions it is customary to bring the toran from the host's sister or brother-in-law.  At that time those who bring the pylon are honored by Vastradikas.  In some places, this pylon is brought with banging.  On the day of Vaastushanti, after Punyahwachana, the toran is first worshiped by five Suvasinis and then it is tied on the door.

There is an understanding that some people are likely to get 'eyes' while looking at the new building while the building is being built and after the construction is completed.  Of course, while it is true that the belief does not have a strong scientific basis, experience has proven that there is some truth behind it.  Therefore, there is a practice of hanging the black doll upside down in front of the new building where everyone can see it.  If the black doll is not tied while constructing Vastu, it should be hung upside down after Toranbandhan.

Sutraveshtana is the third appendage in Vaastu Shanti.  The purpose behind Sutra Veshthana is to determine • the perimeter of the Vastu.  This formula may be of three, five or eleven layers.

 • Three is the number for sattva, raja tama trinity.  In this first three / five / eleven cotton balls should be taken and after Guruji anointed them, five Suvasinis should carry incense, turmeric-kunkum, flowers and worship those cotton balls and after tying those cotton balls or five layers of thread, they should wrap it around the house.  If there is a flat, then the rope should be handed over to the men.  The men should collect the padar of those gangsters and hang it with three padas • on the front side and at a height that is not reachable by hitting small nails (chuka).  Meanwhile, the host should take eight Dronas and put curd and rice in them and place them in the eight directions of the house.  Before placing each drone, a nail should be driven into the ground under the drone and then the drone should be placed on it.  On the day of Vaastu Shanti, in the ground in all the eight directions of the house

 Zoning is done by nailing.

 Although home entry is not a direct part of Vaastu Shanti, if home entry is on the day of Vaastu Shanti, it has to be considered as a ritualistic part.  According to actual Vaastu Shanti, one should enter the house properly on the second day after Vaastu Shanti.  But in reality there is unofficial house entry even before Vaastu Shanti.  However, if house entry is planned on Vaastushanti day then formal house entry should be done on sumuhurta given by the priests.  At the time of entering the house, everyone in the house should come out and wait.  The main host should stand with the Tahman of God in his hand and his wife should stand on the right side of the host with a cup full of water containing a coconut as per custom on her side or on her head.  Later, while various mangalsuktas are being announced by Guruji, in the meantime one, three or more number of home rounds should be done according to the expansion of the house.At that time it is customary to play instruments like choughda, clarinet etc.  If there is no Vajantri, instruments such as cymbals, tala, bells etc. can be played.  By circumambulating the vastu by ringing the bells, the evil forces run away.  Then the host should go ahead with the spouse and stand at the main entrance along with others and at the appointed time the host and the host wife should enter the house with their right foot inside the umbar.  In some regions it is customary to play the conch or trumpet at that time.

 Drona 1, Khala Neet in the perimeter distribution and five lines


 'Vastushanti' means a ceremony similar to marriage, Munj.  Accordingly, these days, on the day of Vaastushanti, things like exchange of gifts, meals, meetings etc. take place, and as Vaastushanti has become a ceremony, naturally the attention of the host is diverted from the main ceremony and he gets involved in the planning of the organized ceremony and the hospitality of the guests.  Due to his ambivalence at that time, he does not even have time to pay attention to the architectural details.  To get rid of this, he is freed by handing over the parts of Vaastu Shanti to Guruji.  As soon as the punyachachan is done, the host, who has been freed by giving the betel nut of Acharyavarana, has to be called with a large number of minutes for the inevitable tasks of varahuti, dravyatyag, purnahuti, fire ceremony, abhisheka, shreyodan, shreyograhan, dakshinadaan, ashirwadgrahan etc.  Here Guruji chants mantras, while there the host shouts 'Atpa!  Atapa!!'  is chanting.  Therefore, the host can never have detailed information about the features of modern architecture.  The house in which we are going to live for a long time, the house in which we are going to spend our life and in the house where our children are going to grow up, the architectural peace of the house hastily finished;  Indulging in eating and drinking may seem convenient for a moment, but in the long run it will cause damage to your health.  If all this is to be avoided, the only way is to organize Maha Puja like Satyanarayana on any other convenient day after Vaastu Shanti without inviting any other outside congregations except the house congregation and invite these people on that occasion.

 In this way, if Vaastu Shanti is performed keeping in mind the rituals of Vaastu Shanti, its purpose is truly successful and the host gets worldly and transcendental benefits.

How to arrange the arrangement, design, direction etc.  Does it work if it is omitted?

 Answer: Vaastushanti experiment is designed in such a way that it can be applied to a sitting house with lots of open space around it.  The architectural design of a sitting house with open sides can be done in a very formal way.  But if it is a flat in an apartment, some ancillary actions have to be done voluntarily.  The basic activities which are essential in Vaastu Shanti Prayoga include Punyawachana, worship of deities-planets-fire etc.  These parts cannot be avoided.  Of course, there are no technical difficulties in doing that.  However, Vastu Nikshepan (placing the architectural image in the ground) is a very important part of Vastushanti, but there are many technical difficulties in the Vastushanti of flats.  If the Vastu Pratima is to be deposited in the ground, since the slab of the ground is very thin, it is technically impossible to break it and make a hole in it, and even if something is planned in this regard, it is not advisable to do so.  Because the architectural image deposited in the upper floor slab is placed on top of the floor below.  Therefore, indirectly, the vision of the architect is towards the houses on the lower side.  In such a situation, a problem is likely to arise as to how to deposit the architectural image.  As a solution to this problem, in some places, the Vastu Pratima is tied in a cloth and the cloth is hung on the edge of the roof or placed on the attic.  But only if that Vaastu Pratima is in a fixed form under the ground, through her the presence of the Vaastu Deity resides in that Vaastu, and not in any other way.  Therefore Vastu Nikshapa becomes a mandatory party.  The middle way in this regard is that the wall in the corner where Vaastu Niksha is to be done should be slightly hollowed out and then a space should be carved out on the inside so that the umbar box can fit and Vastu Nikshap should be done there. Therefore, that architectural image will automatically appear on the wall (beam) of the apartment on the floor below.  If there is a column in this corner, it is better.  Because the column is directly below the ground no matter what floor the respective flat is on.  Therefore, even if the architectural image is deposited slightly inside the column, it is in a sense like the deposit in the ground.

 Another appendage that is problematic in the architectural design of the house is 'sutraveshtan'.  Due to Sutraveshtana there is zoning.  Sutraveshtana is in a sense the domain of Vaastudevata.  Since the walls of the flats in the apartment are common, framing such a structure is a problem.  Of course, sutraveshtana is not an essential part but is used to determine the perimeter of the structure.  The construction of the flat can proceed even if it is not done as it is agreed upon and the perimeter is fixed at the beginning of the construction.  However, outside of the Vastu during sutravesha.  Sutraveshtana

 Tie the sutra as much as possible on the side.  Where there is no Sutraveshana on the outside of the Vastu, it should be done from the inside.  Avoid the toilet if possible.  Secondly, while delineating the area, one has to drive nails into the ground in eight directions around the Vastu and place curd paddy drona at those places.  But since it is not possible to do this in the construction of a flat, instead of it, the slabs of the area where your flat is located can be nailed in eight directions.  You can also keep curd rice drona at that place.  It is not possible to go around the house before entering the house while doing the architecture of the flat.  Therefore, before entering the house, the host should stand outside and at least circumambulate himself.  Of course, self circumambulation is also not required.  But where it is not possible to circumambulate around God, the ritual of circumambulating oneself is rooted in the mind for many generations, even if circumambulation is done. A common problem that arises while decorating a flat is the perception that the color of the walls of the flat is spoiled by the fumes of the house.  Of course, there is some truth in this belief.  The smoke from the homhavana reduces the shine of the walls a bit.  But if both the host and the priest decide, there can be a way out of it.  The above problem does not arise if the landlord does Vastushanti before the flat is painted.  But sometimes due to difficulties in the process of taking possession of the flat, only the fully painted flat has to be taken over.  At such times, if priests take it to heart, smoke can be avoided by using least polluting and least smoke producing fuel.  If dried samida of sacrificial tree is taken for graha yajna and rice is used instead of charu then the problem of smoke does not arise.  The architectural peace made by the priest and the disciplined host, who knows the details of the Yagnika, in the company of each other is very ideal and touching.

There are many pandits for Vastu Shanti in Pune, which belongs to PANDITJIPUNE almost everywhere in Pune.

Vastu Shanti Puja is a ceremony that corrects construction faults and removes negative energies from a house. It involves worshipping the five elements of nature, natural forces, and the deity of directions.

 The cost of a Vastu Shanti Puja in Pune can range from Rs 15,000 to Rs 51000. Some 

The puja can take 3 to 4 hours. It includes the following rituals: 

Ganapati Puja, Sankalp, Kalash Puja, Punyahavachan, Navagraha Puja, Vastu Shanti Puja, Mahamangal Aarti, Ashirvachan, Prasad Vitran. 

Vastu Shanti Puja is a set of rituals related to the home. It's one of the longest Vedic rituals performed at home. It's usually performed before a Griha Pravesh pooja. The goal is to correct architectural flaws and failures in the natural flow of energy in the land. These flaws are called Vastu doshas, which can negatively impact the well-being of the inhabitants if they are unresolved. 



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