Ganesh Chaturthi 2021: Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most important Hindu festivals and it's dedicated to Lord Ganesh. Check here the date, significance, and all you need to know about the auspicious day.
15 फरवरी: दिन— सोमवार: गणेश जयंती, विनायक चतुर्थी
Ganesh Jayanti (literally "Ganesha's birthday", also known as Magha shuklachaturthi, Tilkund chaturthi.
According to one tradition, Ganesh Chaturthi is also considered as the birthday of Ganesha.This festival of Ganesha is also called as the Tilo Chauth or Sakat Chauthis in Uttar Pradesh, where Ganesha is invoked on behalf of the son of a family. It is also called as Tilkund chaturthi in Maharashtra.Shukla paksha chaturthi in Magh month (fourth day of the bright half of moon’s cycle during January/February.
As a legend narrated by Nandi to the Sanatkumara sages, god Krishna was charged with stealing as he saw the moon on Bhadrapad Shukla Chaturthi - which was prohibited. He observed fast on Magha Shukla Chaturthi this day and got rid of the accusation of stealing.
Madhyahna Ganesha Puja Muhurat - 11:28 AM to 01:43 PM
Duration - 02 Hours 14 Mins
Time to avoid Moon sighting - 09:14 AM to 09:32 PM
Duration - 12 Hours 18 Mins
Chaturthi Tithi Begins - 01:58 AM on Feb 15, 2021
Chaturthi Tithi Ends - 03:36 AM on Feb 16, 2021